Results for 'Review by: Marina Oshana'

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  1.  34
    Review: Sarah Conly, Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism. [REVIEW]Review by: Marina Oshana - 2014 - Ethics 124 (2):392-397,.
  2.  20
    Social Dimensions of Moral Responsibility, edited by Katrina Hutchison, Catriona Mackenzie, and Marina Oshana[REVIEW]Kurt Blankschaen - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (2):241-244.
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    Personal Autonomy in Society.Marina Oshana - 2006 - Routledge.
    Challenging many of the currently accepted conceptions of autonomy and of how it is valued, Oshana develops a social-relational account of autonomy that is constituted by a person's relations with others and by the absence of certain social relations. She denies that command over one's motives and the freedom to realize one's will are sufficient to secure the kind of command over one's life that autonomy requires, and argues against psychological, procedural, and content neutral accounts of autonomy.
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  4. How much should we value autonomy?Marina Oshana - 2003 - Social Philosophy and Policy 20 (2):99-126.
    Autonomy generally is a valued condition for persons in liberal cultures such as the United States. We uphold autonomous agents as the exemplar of persons who, by their judgment and action, authenticate the social and political principles and policies that advance their interests. But questions about the value of autonomy are often problematic. They are problematic because they concern the kind of value autonomy has and not just how much value autonomy has when weighed against competing goods. The two questions (...)
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  5. Personal Autonomy in Society by Marina Oshana.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (2):202-206.
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    Personal Autonomy in Society. By Marina Oshana.Irene Sonia Switankowsky - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):351-352.
  7. being In Absentia.Marina Oshana - 2010 - Florida Philosophical Review 10 (1):1-6.
    The primary end of an account of personal identity is to discover what phenomena explain a person’s status as a unified agent and contribute to the person’s self-understanding. This paper explores the consequences upon a person’s ability to understand her motives for action, as unified agency requires, when the person is removed from the source of her identity and from the practices that support the self-regarding attitudes to which this identity gives rise.
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  8. Moral taint.Marina A. L. Oshana - 2006 - Metaphilosophy 37 (3-4):353–375.
    Moral taint occurs when one’s personality has been compromised by the introduction of something that produces disfigurement of the moral psyche. While taint may be traced to vicarious liability for our voluntary associations, the thought that we might be responsible for taint and that taint is something we must confront and make amends for becomes problematic when taint is acquired by circumstantial luck. I argue that the idea of circumstantial taint—for example, the idea that people can be morally compromised by (...)
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  9.  66
    The importance of how we see ourselves: Self-identity and responsible agency * by Marina Oshana.J. Bransen - 2012 - Analysis 72 (1):198-200.
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    Review: Sarah Conly, Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism. [REVIEW]Marina Oshana - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
  11.  26
    Philosophy and Religion in Plato's Dialogues by Andrea Nightingale (review).Marina Berzins McCoy - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (1):149-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Philosophy and Religion in Plato's Dialogues by Andrea NightingaleMarina Berzins McCoyAndrea Nightingale. Philosophy and Religion in Plato's Dialogues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 308. Hardback, $39.99.Andrea Nightingale has written a scholarly work that will prove indispensable to restoring the centrality of religion and theology to Platonic philosophy. She demonstrates that Plato uses the language of Greek religion to inform his metaphysics and his very conception of philosophy. (...)
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    Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic by Karen Ng (review).Marina F. Bykova - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (3):527-528.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic by Karen NgMarina F. BykovaKaren Ng. Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. iii + 319. Hardback, $85.00.In her insightful book, Karen Ng defends the fundamental significance of Hegel's concept of life, which she considers "constitutive" not merely of his dynamic account of reason but also of his "idealist program" itself (3–4), the very core (...)
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    Book Review: Complex Inequality: Gender, Class, and Race in the New Economy. By Leslie Mccall. New York: Routledge, 2001, 228 pp., $85.00 (cloth), $22.95 (paper). [REVIEW]Marina Karides - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (1):137-138.
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    An external perspective on CSR: What matters and what does not?Marina Vashchenko - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (4):396-412.
    The paper aims at investigating external factors influencing organizational corporate social responsibility -related decision making. Two theoretical perspectives—stakeholder theory and institutional theory—have been applied to compile a list of external factors that might affect a company's CSR choices. As a result, a framework built on the government-related, society-related, and business-related groups of external factors is being suggested. This framework is used in the paper to answer to what extent do different external factors influence CSR-related decisions in large Danish companies and (...)
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  15. Schleiermacher on the Philosopher’s Stone: the Shaping of Schleiermacher’s Early Ethics by the Kantian Legacy.Jacqueline Mariña - 1999 - Journal of Religion 79 (2):193-215.
    This article explores the early Schleiermacher's attempts to deal with difficult philosophical problems arising from Kant's ethics, specifically Kant's notion of transcendental freedom. How do we connect a transcendentally free act with the nature of the subject? Insofar as the act is transcendentally free, it cannot be understood in terms of causes, and this means that it cannot be connected with the previous state of the individual before he or she engaged in the act. I work through Schleiermacher's grappling with (...)
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    Aristotle on False Reasoning: Language and the World in the Sophistical Refutations (review).Marina Berzins McCoy - 2005 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 38 (1):92-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristotle on False Reasoning: Language and the World in the Sophistical RefutationsMarina Berzins McCoyAristotle on False Reasoning: Language and the World in the Sophistical Refutations. Scott Schreiber. Albany: SUNY Press, 2003. pp. 240. $68.50, hardcover; $22.95, paperback.Scott Schreiber's Aristotle on False Reasoning is the first full-length English commentary on Aristotle's Sophistical Refutations in the last century. Aristotle's Sophistical Refutations is a text that has received relatively little attention (...)
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  17. Sins of Inquiry: How to Criticize Scientific Pursuits.Marina DiMarco & Kareem Khalifa - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 92 (C):86-96.
    Criticism is a staple of the scientific enterprise and of the social epistemology of science. Philosophical discussions of criticism have traditionally focused on its roles in relation to objectivity, confirmation, and theory choice. However, attention to criticism and to criticizability should also inform our thinking about scientific pursuits: the allocation of resources with the aim of developing scientific tools and ideas. In this paper, we offer an account of scientific pursuitworthiness which takes criticizability as its starting point. We call this (...)
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  18.  62
    The happy slave isn't free: Relational autonomy and freedom in the Zhuangzi.Mercedes Valmisa - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (3):e12569.
    This paper challenges the view that contentment leads to personal freedom and autonomy and argues for a relational and exercise concept of de facto freedom in the Zhuangzi 莊子. I first review influential interpretations of freedom in the Zhuangzi that equate freedom with contentment and nonfrustration, starting with Guo Xiang's 郭象 (d. 312 CE). By putting these interpretations in dialog with contemporary social philosophy (Christman, Meyers, Pettit, Elster, and Khader), I reflect on the two seminal problems of the psychologizing (...)
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  19. Kants Vorsehungskonzept auf dem Hintergrund der Deutschen Schulphilosophie und-theologie (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, vol. 149). By Ulrich Lehner.Jacqueline Mariña - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (1):148-149.
    Review of Ulrich Lehner's Kant's Vorsehungskonzept auk diem Hintergrund der Deutschen Schulphilosophie und Theologie.
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  20.  12
    Prevalence of Risk for Orthorexia in Athletes Using the ORTO-15 Questionnaire: A Systematic Mini-Review.Ana Carolina Paludo, Marina Magatão, Hilana Rickli Fiuza Martins, Marcos Vinícius Soares Martins & Michal Kumstát - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:856185.
    The article aims to summarize the literature about the profile of risk of orthorexia in athletes using the ORTO-15 questionnaire. The search was performed at PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Sport Discus databases, using the terms “orthorexia” AND “athletes” with the respective entry terms. A multistage process of selection followed the PRISMA 2020 recommendation. A total of 688 articles were identified, and six studies were available for the final process. The prevalence of risk for orthorexia was assessed by the (...)
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  21.  19
    “Life Death” in Plato and Derrida: A Review of Michael Naas’s Plato and the Invention of Life: Plato and the invention of life, by Michael Naas, New York, Fordham University Press, 2018, 288 pp., $32.00 (pbk), ISBN: 978-0823279685. [REVIEW]Marina Marren - 2020 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 12 (1):66-75.
    Michael Naas’s Plato and the Invention of Life, which I review in this essay, formulates the question that is at the core of Plato’s thought. This question is: What is life? Naas’s inquiry into life indicates a field for prolific research in ancient and continental philosophy, as it calls on us to rethink the difference, the priority, and the relationship between beings and Being. Our understanding of this coupling, which first set into motion the “gigantomachia” of Western philosophy, depends (...)
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  22. La reflexión sobre" el fin de la vida".Marina Cassini, Nunziata Camoretto, Emma Traisci, Fabio Persano & Antonio Spagnolo - 2011 - Medicina y Ética 22:475-497.
    El tema del fin de la vida está entre aquellos afrontados por la revista Medicina e Morale con mayor amplitud y profundización. Desde la fundación de la Revista hasta hoy se cuentan más de 70 publicaciones en la materia entre contribuciones científicas, editoriales y artículos colocados en la rúbrica El debate en Bioética. Las temáticas tratadas pueden ser de este modo clasificadas: muerte en general; eutanasia; muerte cerebral ; ensañamiento terapéutico; cuidados paliativos y asistencia al moribundo; rechazo actual de los (...)
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  23. "To be dead is an unthinkable anomaly" Reversed Necropolitics and the Death Imaginary.Marina Christodoulou - 2017 - Lo Sguardo Rivista di Filosofia 23:127-137.
    Citation: Christodoulou, Marina. “‘To be dead is an unthinkable anomaly’ Reversed Necropolitics and the Death Imaginary.” Lo Sguardo - rivista di filosofia N. 23, 2017 (I) - Reinventare il reale. Jean Baudrillard (2007-2017) a cura di Eleonora de Conciliis, Enrico Schirò, Daniela Angelucci, pp. 127-137. Articolo sottoposto a peer review. Ricevuto il 14/10/2016. Accettato il 12/01/2017. ISSN: 2036-6558 -/- --------- -/- The concept or the theory of Death in the thought of Jean Baudrillard is not given the particular (...)
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  24.  25
    Shifting the geography of reason: gender, science and religion.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headley (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    MARINA PAOLA BANCHETTI-ROBINO is Associate Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Florida Atlantic University. Her areas of research include phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and zoosemiotics. Her publications have appeared in such journals as Synthese, Husserl Studies, Idealistic Studies, Philosophy East and West, and The Review of Metaphysics. She has also contributed essays to The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy (1997), Feminist Phenomenology (2000), and Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on (...)
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  25. Does longtermism depend on questionable forms of aggregation?Marina Moreno - 2022 - Intergenerational Justice Review 8 (1):13-23.
    We are constantly making choices about how to invest our time and resources. From a moral perspective, we must ask which moral concerns are most deserving of our attention. Longtermism, as e.g. defined by Greaves and MacAskill, holds that our moral focus should be on the long-term future, and that current and medium-term moral problems are comparatively insignificant. This theory is centrally based on the assumption that the moral importance of individuals can be aggregated. Since the number of individuals of (...)
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  26. Observer Memories and the Perspectival Mind. On Remembering from the Outside by Christopher McCarroll. [REVIEW]Marina Trakas - 2020 - Análisis Filosófico 40 (1):123-138.
    Observer memories, memories where one sees oneself in the remembered scene, from-the-outside, are commonly considered less accurate and genuine than visual field memories, memories in which the scene remembered is seen as one originally experienced it. In Remembering from the Outside (OUP, 2019), Christopher McCarroll debunks this commonsense conception by offering a detailed analysis of the nature of observer memories. On the one hand, he explains how observer and field perspectives are not really mutually exclusive in an experience, including memory (...)
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    Digital footprints: an emerging dimension of digital inequality.Marina Micheli, Christoph Lutz & Moritz Büchi - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (3):242-251.
    This conceptual contribution is based on the observation that digital inequalities literature has not sufficiently considered digital footprints as an important social differentiator. The purpose of the paper is to inspire current digital inequality frameworks to include this new dimension.,Literature on digital inequalities is combined with research on privacy, big data and algorithms. The focus on current findings from an interdisciplinary point of view allows for a synthesis of different perspectives and conceptual development of digital footprints as a new dimension (...)
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    The Ticking Clock: Addressing Farm Animal Welfare in Emerging Countries.Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk & Maria José Hötzel - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (1):179-195.
    Over the last decade many emerging economies, and in particular Brazil, have established themselves as major players in global food animal production. Within these countries much of the increase in food animal production has been achieved by the adoption of intensive housing systems similar to those found in most industrialized countries. However, it is now well established that many of these systems are associated with numerous welfare problems, particularly with respect to restriction of movement. Previous work has shown that people (...)
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    Role of the neo-rural phenomenon and the new peasantry in agroecological transitions: a literature review.Beatriz Vizuete, Elisa Oteros-Rozas & Marina García-Llorente - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (3):1277-1297.
    In the context of agricultural activity intensification and rural abandonment, neo-rurality has emerged as a back-to-the-land migratory movement led by urban populations seeking alternative ways of life close to nature. Although the initiatives of the new peasantry are diverse, most are land related, such as agriculture and livestock farming. A priori, neorural people undertake agri-food system activities in ways that differ from the conventional model, following the principles of environmental and social sustainability. We conducted a systematic review of the (...)
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    Brain Modulation by Electric Currents in Fibromyalgia: A Structured Review on Non-invasive Approach With Transcranial Electrical Stimulation.Filippo Brighina, Massimiliano Curatolo, Giuseppe Cosentino, Marina De Tommaso, Giuseppe Battaglia, Pier Carlo Sarzi-Puttini, Giuliana Guggino & Brigida Fierro - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  31. Kant and Theology at the Boundaries of Reason. By Chris L. Firestone. Pp. 194, Ashgate, 2009, $84.88. [REVIEW]Jacqueline Mariña - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (2):332-333.
    A review of Chris Firestone's Kant and Theology at the Boundaries of Reason.
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  32. Kant and the Creation of Freedom. By Christopher Insole. Pp. xiv, 264, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, $35.00. [REVIEW]Jacqueline Mariña - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (3):560-563.
    This is a review of Christopher Insole's book, Kant and the Creation of Freedom.
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    Conversation and Self-Sufficiency in Plato by A. G. Long. [REVIEW]Marina McCoy - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (4):836-837.
    A. G. Long’s slender but significant volume traces a line in the Platonic dialogues from Socratic conversation to dialogical thought. Long’s broader project is to explore the concept that conversation is relevant to philosophy. However, the book’s main focus is more restricted to two ideas: first, whether one needs others to do philosophy, and if so, why; and second, how Socratic conversation connects to the self-sufficient exploration of ideas. Implicit in the book is perhaps also an exploration of how the (...)
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    Emotional Self-Regulation in Everyday Life: A Systematic Review.Marina Alarcón-Espinoza, Susana Sanduvete-Chaves, M. Teresa Anguera, Paula Samper García & Salvador Chacón-Moscoso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Emotional self-regulation in childhood and adolescence constitutes a growing interest in the scientific community, highlighting in recent years the need to observe its development in their daily life. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review is to characterize publications referring to the development of emotional self-regulation of people under 18 years-old, in natural contexts. Based on the PRISMA guidelines, searches are carried out in the Web of Science, Scopus and PsycINFO databases, and in Google Scholar until May 2020. After (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Friedrich Schleiermacher: Between Enlightenment and Romanticism. By Richard Crouter. [REVIEW]Jacqueline Mariña - 2007 - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 10:200-204.
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    The agrarian question in dairy farms: An analysis of dairy farms in the European Union countries.Marina Requena-I.-Mora & Marc Barbeta-Viñas - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-16.
    In this article, we review the Agrarian Question focusing on dairy farms. We have the dual aim of adding to the debate surrounding the economic profitability of small and large dairy farms and increasing what is known about the decline of dairy farms. The agrarian question at the heart of our research centres on the paradoxical endurance of family farms, despite predictions from both liberal and Marxist perspectives that they would diminish in number over time. By addressing these complex (...)
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  37. Kant's Construction of Nature: A Reading of the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science. By Michael Friedman. Pp. xix, 624, Cambridge University Press, 2013, £70.00. [REVIEW]Jacqueline Mariña - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (3):556-560.
    An extensive review of Michael Friedman's recent book.
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    Marina Berzins McCoy , Wounded Heroes: Vulnerability as a Virtue in Ancient Greek Literature and Philosophy . Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Sean McConnell - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (1):35-37.
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  39. International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation.Adam D. Farmer, Adam Strzelczyk, Alessandra Finisguerra, Alexander V. Gourine, Alireza Gharabaghi, Alkomiet Hasan, Andreas M. Burger, Andrés M. Jaramillo, Ann Mertens, Arshad Majid, Bart Verkuil, Bashar W. Badran, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Charly Gaul, Christian Beste, Christopher M. Warren, Daniel S. Quintana, Dorothea Hämmerer, Elena Freri, Eleni Frangos, Eleonora Tobaldini, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Felix Rosenow, Fioravante Capone, Fivos Panetsos, Gareth L. Ackland, Gaurav Kaithwas, Georgia H. O'Leary, Hannah Genheimer, Heidi I. L. Jacobs, Ilse Van Diest, Jean Schoenen, Jessica Redgrave, Jiliang Fang, Jim Deuchars, Jozsef C. Széles, Julian F. Thayer, Kaushik More, Kristl Vonck, Laura Steenbergen, Lauro C. Vianna, Lisa M. McTeague, Mareike Ludwig, Maria G. Veldhuizen, Marijke De Couck, Marina Casazza, Marius Keute, Marom Bikson, Marta Andreatta, Martina D'Agostini, Mathias Weymar, Matthew Betts, Matthias Prigge, Michael Kaess, Michael Roden, Michelle Thai, Nathaniel M. Schuster & Nico Montano - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between (...)
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  40. All or Nothing: Systematicity, Transcendental Arguments, and Skepticism in German Idealism by Paul W. Franks. [REVIEW]Jacqueline Mariña - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte/Journal for the History of Modern Theology 14 (1):145-149.
  41.  23
    Reverse mediations: digital methods of social research for digital citizenship.Marina Pantoja Boechat & Débora De Carvalho Pereira - 2015 - International Review of Information Ethics 23.
    Our society is heavily mediated by information technologies, so the simplest interactions become traceable, which collaborates to a deluge of data. They represent an abundant source for social analysis and an unparalleled opportunity for citizens to access, produce and disseminate information. Nevertheless, all this affluence of data, for presenting itself in a scattered way, also poses significant difficulties for achieving an integrated view of social reality and its interactions, and is organized in many competing interfaces and information architectures, that may (...)
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  42. Memory and the self by Mark Rowlands. [REVIEW]Marina Trakas - 2017 - Phenomenological Reviews 3.
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    Knowledge before belief ascription? Yes and no (depending on the type of “knowledge” under consideration).Hannes Rakoczy & Marina Proft - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:988754.
    Knowledge before belief ascription? Yes and no (depending on the type of “knowledge” under consideration). In an influential paper, Jonathan Phillips and colleagues have recently presented a fascinating and provocative big picture that challenges foundational assumptions of traditional Theory of Mind research (Phillips et al., 2020). Conceptually, this big picture is built around the main claim that ascription of knowledge is primary relative to ascription of belief. The primary form of Theory of Mind (ToM) thus is so-called factive ToM that (...)
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    Cognitive investigations in Kantian perspective: towards new synthesis.Nikolay L. Arkhiereev, Архиереев Николай Львович, Marina L. Ivleva, Ивлева Марина Левенбертовна, . Baldo Dagtcmaa & Балдо Дагцмаа - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):730-737.
    This is a review of the book Mozg - kultura - socium. Kantianskaya programma v cognitivnykh issledovaniyakh by Bazhanov V.A. The author`s main aim is a reconsideration of some fundamental principles of epistemology and philosophy of science in the light of state-of-the-art advancements of neurosciences. According to the author of the book, social and cultural revolution in neurosciences has been crucially modifying the initial Kantian program of consciousness research and the modes of linguistic representation of its results. In particular, (...)
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    Cognitive Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease Patients: A Systematic Review.Valentino Rački, Mario Hero, Gloria Rožmarić, Eliša Papić, Marina Raguž, Darko Chudy & Vladimira Vuletić - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionParkinson’s disease patients have a significantly higher risk of developing dementia in later disease stages, leading to severe impairments in quality of life and self-functioning. Questions remain on how deep brain stimulation affects cognition, and whether we can individualize therapy and reduce the risk for adverse cognitive effects. Our aim in this systematic review is to assess the current knowledge in the field and determine if the findings could influence clinical practice.MethodsWe have conducted a systematic review according to (...)
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  46. Wilson and Jungner Revisited: Are Screening Criteria Fit for the 21st Century?Elena Schnabel-Besson, Ulrike Mütze, Nicola Dikow, Friederike Hörster, Marina A. Morath, Karla Alex, Heiko Brennenstuhl, Sascha Settegast, Jürgen G. Okun, Christian P. Schaaf, Eva C. Winkler & Stefan Kölker - 2024 - International Journal of Neonatal Screening 10 (3(62)):1-15.
    Driven by technological innovations, newborn screening (NBS) panels have been expanded and the development of genomic NBS pilot programs is rapidly progressing. Decisions on disease selection for NBS are still based on the Wilson and Jungner (WJ) criteria published in 1968. Despite this uniform reference, interpretation of the WJ criteria and actual disease selection for NBS programs are highly variable. A systematic literature search [PubMED search “Wilson” AND “Jungner”; last search 16.07.22] was performed to evaluate the applicability of the WJ (...)
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    Ethical dimensions of paediatric nursing: A rapid evidence assessment.Annamaria Bagnasco, Lucia Cadorin, Michela Barisone, Valentina Bressan, Marina Iemmi, Marzia Prandi, Fiona Timmins, Roger Watson & Loredana Sasso - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (1):111-122.
    Background: Paediatric nurses often face complex situations requiring decisions that sometimes clash with their own values and beliefs, or with the needs of the children they care for and their families. Paediatric nurses often use new technology that changes the way they provide care, but also reduces their direct interaction with the child. This may generate ethical issues, which nurses should be able to address in the full respect of the child. Research question and objectives: The purpose of this (...) is to describe the main ethical dimensions of paediatric nursing. Our research question was, ‘What are the most common ethical dimensions and competences related to paediatric nursing?’ Research design: A rapid evidence assessment. Method: According to the principles of the rapid evidence assessment, we searched the PubMed, SCOPUS and CINAHL databases for papers published between January 2001 and March 2015. These papers were then independently read by two researchers and analysed according to the inclusion criteria. Ethical considerations: Since this was a rapid evidence assessment, no approval from the ethics committee was required. Findings: Ten papers met our inclusion criteria. Ethical issues in paediatric nursing were grouped into three areas: (a) ethical issues in paediatric care, (b) social responsibility and (c) decision-making process. Conclusion: Few studies investigate the ethical dimensions and aspects of paediatric nursing, and they are mainly qualitative studies conducted in critical care settings based on nurses’ perceptions and experiences. Paediatric nurses require specific educational interventions to help them resolve ethical issues, contribute to the decision-making process and fulfil their role as advocates of a vulnerable population (i.e. sick children and their families). Further research is needed to investigate how paediatric nurses can improve the involvement of children and their families in decision-making processes related to their care plan. (shrink)
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    Personal Autonomy in Society.Philip Parvin Marina Oshana - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (4):492.
  49.  18
    Image and Argument in Plato’s Republic by Marina Berzins McCoy.Nickolas Pappas - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (2):397-398.
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    Practical Rules: When We Need Them and When We Don’t. [REVIEW]Marina P. Banchetti-Robino - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (4):879-880.
    The field of contemporary ethics has been dominated by two opposite but equally extreme positions regarding the function of rules in moral reasoning. According to the first of these positions, known as rule-based ethics, morality consists of obeying a set of rules. On the other hand, according to the opposite view, known as particularism, moral reasoning cannot be reduced to the application of rules to particular situations. The particularist argues that rules and rule-following cannot genuinely capture the nature of moral (...)
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